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The Silver Lining...

Do you feel like the world has turned upside down?  Are you frustrated to be quarantined in your house for an indefinite period of time? You're not alone! 

No doubt these are scary times, and that's why I'm trying to distract myself by being more productive while housebound.  I'm looking for the silver lining to this Covid-19 crisis by making the most of my free time at home, and maybe you can too...


Now is the time to catch up on all those things we've been putting off for years because we never had enough time to do them. Go find all those projects that you started, that are collecting dust somewhere in a corner of your house, and finish them!


30 + ideas for you to do while in Quarantine 

(in no particular order...)


1. Spring clean your house

2. Clean out your closets

3. Clean out your garage

4. Spend quality time with your children

5. Pamper and play with your pets

6. Read those books that have stacked up on your nightstand (and in your kindle/ ipad) that you've been meaning to read for ages

7. Make popcorn and binge-watch all those movies on Netflix that you've been wanting to see

8. Re-organize your pantry shelves

9. Bake

10. Try those new recipes you've been meaning to try

11. Pour yourself a big glass of wine and host a virtual party on Face Time, House Party or Zoom with your besties 

12. Check in on your neighbors, especially the ones who live alone

13. Dust off those games in your basement and play with them

14. Complete a puzzle

15. Play cards ~ Solitaire if you are alone: try online (thanks Jennifer! ;) )

16. Play hide-and-seek if you have younger kids 

17. Delete emails & free up space in your inbox

18. Write that book

19. Take an online class

20. Create a vision board

21. Catch up on lost sleep

22. Learn how to meditate (it reduces anxiety and lowers your blood pressure.  Try the Headspace app)

23. Take a nature walk

24. Go for a bike ride

25.  Grab a box of tissues & watch all those home-made videos of when the kids were little

26. Pamper yourself (take a bubble bath, paint your nails)

27. Learn a new language on Duolingo

28. Finish all those unfinished projects you started 

29. Sharpen your mind with Lumosity and other brain games on your smartphone or ipad / tablet.

30. Order take-out from your local restaurants

31. Support your favorite small businesses online!


Of course remember to wash your hands frequently and take good care of yourself.  Stay healthy and positive, and try to enjoy the time off.  Before you know it, this will be over!