Coastal-Chic Jewelry for Every 'Wear'

Are You Ready for April Showers?

Hellooo April!  We have an exciting variety of birthstone options to choose from for April including natural diamonds, Herkimer diamonds , crystal quartz and even white topaz! 

These clear to white stones are the ultimate calming and cleansing stones that bring you higher thinking and intuitive energies.  

April may not be my birth month, but I can't resist the clarity of these gems that simulate raindrops.  Besides, what girl doesn't like to wear diamonds?!

Take a peek at our latest pieces for April...


Clear crystal quartz:

 crystal ball pendant necklace

 Rock crystal front toggle necklace

 bloomin' hoop earrings in clear quartz


 Herkimer diamond:

herkimer diamond necklace

 Raw white diamond:

 white diamond hoop earrings

White topaz:

jasmine hoop earrings ~ white topaz

Pale and simple, yet pretty and classical, these soothing gemstones are known to be closely connected to the spiritual world with their untainted appearance. They also amplify the powers of other stones!  See the entire collection for April here